The public is invited to comment on the initial draft 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) at a virtual public meeting hosted by the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (Tri-County) via Zoom teleconference on November 10th from 5:30-7 p.m. This meeting will also serve as the kick-off for the public comment period running from November 10th-24th.
This public meeting and comment period are your opportunities to review and provide feedback on the initial draft of our 2045 MTP, Moving Mid-Michigan, a long-range vision and future blueprint for our region’s transportation system. Moving Mid-Michigan plans for everything from reducing traffic congestion and fixing our roads and bridges, to different modes of travel - like public transit, rail, air, and biking and pedestrian amenities - so that everyone who lives, works, and plays in our region can get where they need to go safely and efficiently. This long-term vision plays a critical role in guiding the projects and investments that will help achieve our regional transportation goals: improving our mobility, quality of life, and the connectivity and accessibility of our transportation options, while also protecting the environment and enhancing our economy.
The initial draft document will be available for review on November 10th and throughout the comment period at For more information on how to participate and RSVP to the virtual public meeting, please visit Public comments can be submitted at any time by visiting, or can be made during the public meeting. There are also designated comment opportunities at each of our committee and board meetings, which are open to the public and may be viewed on our calendar at Adoption of the final document by the Tri-County Board of Commissioners is anticipated for December 17, 2020.
TCRPC is committed to open and accessible events. Contact to request interpretation services, accommodations for persons with disabilities, and assistance with additional needs, including use of the Telecommunications Relay Service, in advance of the meeting.
To learn more about Tri-County's opportunities for public involvement and how we make use of your feedback in our planning activities, view our Public Participation Plan.