The public is invited to share their feedback on the final draft of the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) at any time during the comment period running from December 1st through 17th. The MTP is anticipated to be adopted by Tri-County’s Board of Commissioners at their meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. on December 17th.
This public comment period is your opportunity to review and provide feedback on the final draft of our 2045 MTP, Moving Mid-Michigan, a long-range vision and future blueprint for our region’s transportation system. As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Greater Lansing area, we are required by federal law to update our region’s long-range transportation plan every five years with a minimum 20-year planning horizon. The MTP ensures that local governments, transit agencies, and the Michigan Department of Transportation are eligible to use federal transportation funds to construct or implement improvements to roadways and transit routes, among other maintenance work and enhancements, in our tri-county region.
Moving Mid-Michigan plans for everything from reducing traffic congestion and fixing our roads and bridges, to different modes of travel – like public transit, rail, air, and biking and pedestrian amenities – so that everyone who lives, works, and plays in our region can get where they need to go safely and efficiently. This long-term vision plays a critical role in guiding the projects and investments that will help achieve our regional transportation goals.
There will be specific opportunities for public comment at the virtual Capital Area Regional Transportation Study (CARTS) technical committee meeting scheduled for December 1st and the virtual Board meeting scheduled for December 17th. Instructions on how to participate in these meetings will be included in the public notices posted on our website a week in advance at Public comments can also be submitted at any time by visiting
The final draft document will be available for review beginning on December 1st and throughout the comment period at Questions pertaining to Moving Mid-Michigan and its final draft may be directed to
TCRPC is committed to open and accessible events. Contact to request interpretation services, accommodations for persons with disabilities, and assistance with additional needs, including use of the Telecommunications Relay Service, in advance of the meeting.
To learn more about Tri-County's opportunities for public involvement and how we make use of your feedback in our planning activities, view our Public Participation Plan.