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New Transportation Improvement Program Invests in Our Future

The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (Tri-County) has kicked off the development of the region's four-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for fiscal years 2023 through 2026. This four-year, federally funded program is projected to invest over $150 million into our transportation infrastructure to improve the way we live, work, and play.

Our transportation options and quality of infrastructure in Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties affect everyone’s quality of life. From our roads, highways, and public transit system to our bicycle and pedestrian pathways, the TIP is the region’s short-range capital improvements program for all transportation projects funded by federal dollars in the tri-county region. The TIP is one of the ways Tri-County works toward implementing the goals of our long-range vision for mobility and infrastructure throughout the region. This vision for our 25-year outlook on Greater Lansing’s future transportation needs is detailed in our Metropolitan Transportation Plan, titled Moving Mid-Michigan.

The TIP contains a listing of all federally funded and other regionally significant projects planned for 2023 to 2026, as well as a financial plan, analyses of potential project impacts, and background on the transportation planning process, including state and federal regulations. A call for projects has been sent to our region’s eligible local and state government agencies, which include area road departments and public transit providers, among others responsible for overseeing transportation projects in their respective communities. The deadline for local agencies to submit suggested projects to Tri-County is September 15, 2021.

The public is encouraged to contact the appropriate local agency to discuss or recommend potential improvements to their local communities' transportation system and services for consideration in the TIP. Following the call for projects, the public will be given the opportunity to comment on the proposed TIP projects in October.

As the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Greater Lansing region since 1973, Tri-County channels all federal funding for transportation projects into our local communities. The TIP, which plans for these projects, is developed through a cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive process. To ensure proper planning and compliance with federal regulations, the TIP is fiscally constrained, which means only projects with confirmed funding will be listed.

Learn more about the TIP, how it’s developed, and how to get involved at Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to see the latest information on opportunities to submit feedback as we develop the TIP for the next four years. Stay tuned for meeting and event announcements and other comment opportunities for you to get engaged and make a difference!

The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission is a public planning agency established in 1956, serving Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties in Mid-Michigan. Tri-County makes our region a more prosperous community by planning for a strong economy, reliable transportation, and sustainable infrastructure and natural resources. We connect local organizations and governments to funding, technical assistance, data resources, and opportunities to discuss trends and challenges affecting the Greater Lansing area. Learn more at


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