Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure is an interconnected network of greenspace that conserves our natural ecosystems and serves as an ecological framework for environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Green Infrastructure differs from other conservation approaches because it works in concert with land development, growth management, recreational planning, and built infrastructure planning, such as roads, bridges, and utilities, to improve our communities' quality of life.
Green infrastructure practices offer sustainable approaches to managing trails and rivers, farms and markets, parks, and waterways, and is also an approach to water management that protects, restores, or mimics the natural water cycle.
With support from the Mid-Michigan Program for Greater Sustainability HUD grant funding, Tri-County led Greening Mid-Michigan, a regional vision for green infrastructure planning for Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties. We collaborated with regional groups over a three-year period, including the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance, The Greater Lansing Regional Committee for Stormwater Management, Clinton and Eaton Conservation Districts, the Land Use and Health Resource Team, local and county park and recreation departments, Ingham and Clinton Agricultural and Open Space Preservation Programs, and others.
Eaton County, Clinton County, Ingham County, the City of Lansing, the City of East Lansing, Meridian Charter Township, Williamstown Township, Delta Charter Township, Eaton Rapids, Delhi Charter Township, Watertown Township, and Lansing Charter Township have all adopted our Greening Mid-Michigan Poster Plan.
Greening Mid-Michigan: A Vision for Green Infrastructure released a video highlighting green infrastructure success stories in the region. The video is available at www.youtube.com/user/GreeningMidMichigan. You can view our four audience-tailored videos on green infrastructure in our Projects & Documents Library's environment section.
For ideas on green stormwater infrastructure, visit our Greater Lansing Regional Committee on Stormwater Management's resource page.